I want to give you a little bit of history when it comes to my lips and Sadity. If you take a look at my picture on the cover of this site (or my socia media if I have changed my theme), you will see that I have some rather large soup coolers. (Lips) This may be cool now, but it wasn't always in style, especially when I was in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. I even got stares and whispers as a grown woman. I was teased about my lips as a kid. I was called bubble lips, fish lips, you name it. It began to play on my self esteem and I went through a phase where I disliked my lips. It wasn't until the world realized that full lips like mine were so beautiful women would pay to have them. I went from hiding my lips to showing them off in living color! I am my first brand ambassador for Sadity Lip gloss because it is near and dear to my heart. It promotes confidence, perseverance, and beauty for all. I also want you to know that when I make my lip gloss, I use ingredients that are cruelty free, animal product free and ingredients that are not only pretty but are beneficial to the skin. I have some staple colors but some colors, when you see them, if you like it you better grab it because when they are gone, that's it. I am very innovative and creative and I am always creating something new. Thank you for your support and trust in Sadity. Wear it with pride!